rise skyline living

What is the R.I.S.E. Program?

R.I.S.E. is Skyline Living’s tenant assistance program designed to provide support, access to community resources, and/or financial assistance when a valued tenant is struggling with hardship.

At Skyline Living, we understand that things don’t always go according to plan.

Sometimes, our tenants encounter life challenges that make it difficult to pay the bills or provide basic living needs, causing even more distress.

As a Skyline Living tenant, you’ve chosen to call one of our buildings home. To us, you are part of the Skyline Living family, and we want to provide support when you need it the most.

And now a word from our staff and participants

R.I.S.E. has been making a difference in the lives of our tenants and staff. Knowing that we have a program that works to support our tenants during difficult times means so much to everyone involved 

"Over time and often through no 'fault' of our own, life circumstances change for each of us – for example, illness, relationship shifts, or loss of work. With an eye toward keeping our tenants housed, our team pursues creative in-house mediation strategies to avoid court-based resolutions. We connect individuals with available community resources and consider their needs and level of support from our program..."

Roberta, Director of Operations



Reaching out to our tenants to create strong communities that can weather disruptive life events.



Mobilize local services, supports, and financial assistance to ensure maximum impact.

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Supporting our valued tenants as they overcome difficult life events, demonstrating our commitment to our rental communities.



Breaking the stigma of asking for help and elevating tenants’ spirits through a hard time in their lives.

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How Do I Qualify for the R.I.S.E. Program?

If you are a Skyline Living tenant faced with an unexpected life event beyond your control, you may qualify for the R.I.S.E. Program.

What qualifies as an event beyond your control?

A job loss through no fault of your own

A change in household status, including divorce or death

A sudden life-altering event, such as an accident, collision, or being a victim of crime

A temporary change in income or unexpected medical costs

Note: These are just some examples. We recognize that each situation is unique. If you’re not sure whether you qualify, we encourage you to reach out to us to start a conversation.

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What Happens When I Inquire?

If you are eligible for the R.I.S.E. Program, our Tenant Support Team will work one-on-one with you to determine the best support channels and resources for your particular situation.

Examples of the types of support available through the R.I.S.E. Program

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Referral to financial assistance supports

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Support in finding and moving into housing for specific needs

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Assistance with managing utilities and bill payment supports


We have compiled a list of region-specific resources.

Simply enter your province and city to access the downloadable information.*

*Please be aware that this is not the inquiry form for the R.I.S.E. Program. To access that form, please scroll to the “Inquire Now” form below on this page.

Inquire Now

To inquire about the R.I.S.E. Program for yourself or on behalf of a neighbour, please fill out the following form and our Tenant Support Team will contact you.

This program is reserved for current Skyline Living tenants. If you require assistance with your inquiry, please speak directly to your Resident Manager.

How would you like to be contacted?
Are you inquiring for yourself or for a neighbour? Please check one of the boxes below, and if inquiring for a neighbour, please also fill out the below information.

The information you provide will remain confidential. It will not be shared publicly and will be used for the sole purpose of assisting tenants through the R.I.S.E. Program. Please note that inquiring about the R.I.S.E. Program does not guarantee acceptance into the program. Accessing this program will not be used in future tenancy decisions.

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